Private Investigator in Milan, Detective agency in Milan, Private Investigation in Milan- Private Detective Agency IDFOX -Since 1991,Best private investigation in Milan. Are you looking for a Private Investigator in Milan? Our agency will gladly help to solve any kind of problem, big or small that will help you deal with any

Private Investigator in Milan, Detective agency in Milan, Private Investigation in Milan- Private Detective Agency IDFOX -Since 1991,Best private investigation in Milan. Are you looking for a Private Investigator in Milan? Our agency will gladly help to solve any kind of problem, big or small that will help you deal with any .  IDFOX Investigation leader in the field of private investigations, has one of its offices in the heart of the city of Milan. Expert, Confidential and Certified Investigators.

Investigation Articles About Us Free Consultation  Italy Milan

Milan Private Investigation

IDFOX Services is a full-service Private Investigation firm with a team of experienced, professional Private Investigators in Milan Italy. Our team of Private Investigators in Milan consists of investigators from many different backgrounds.

Free Consultation . Please provide basic contact information so we may contact you about the case. If you would like to provide us additional information, feel free to use our detailed consultation form instead. If you prefer to email or have issues with the contact form, please call or email us at  -Tel.+3902344223

Private Investigator in Milan

Our top notch team of Private Investigators in Milan can provide discreet, confidential investigations and provide top notch reporting to get you the answers you are looking for. Whether it be infidelity surveillance in Milan, asset investigations in Milan, or Subject locate investigations, we have the experience, resources and the best sources available to obtain the information you need.


Our team of Private Investigators in Milan Italy have the ability to take on most Private Investigation case you may have. We continue to develop new methods to stay ahead of the times with the latest investigative techniques and technology so we can provide our Client’s the best possible results for their investigation. Our free consultation  is designed to provide you with the opportunity to tell us your situation so we can develop a plan to accomplish your goals.

Our team of Private Investigators in Milan currently cover investigations in Milan and the neighboring areas. We can also assist you anywhere else in Italy. If you need coverage outside Milan, fill out a free consultatton  and tell us how we can assist.

For more information and travel warnings click here.

Milan Private Investigator Services

IDFOX Services offers a variety of Private Investigation services in Milan, tailored for our clients’ needs. Please review the following case types below for more information on each of these case types offered. It should be noted that some of the following services offered by IDFOX Services may have certain restrictions in Milan due to local and federal laws regarding private investigation services.

Cellphone Forensics

Our Experienced Private investigators who perform Cellphone Forensics services in Milan can obtain information related to:

Hire a Private Investigator in Milan

If you are looking for a Private Investigator who is located in Milan, don’t hesitate to contact IDFOX  Services to review your private investigation case. Our team of investigators are deployed all over the world.

We understand what it takes to get the information you seek and we have the knowledge and resources to get the job done. Feel free to con


Breaches of Confidentiality

Indagini informatiche e forensi Milano Aziendale

-Furti ed appropriazioni indebite

-Recupero crediti

-Sicurezza informatica

–Indagini informatiche e forensi

-Recupero dati

-Concorrenza Sleale

-Tutela marchi e brevetti

-Tutela persone e beni

-Patto di non concorrenza

-Due Diligence

-Investigazioni recupero crediti Milano

-Tutela persone e beni a Milano

-Investigazioni eredità Milano

-Recupero dati informatici Milano

-Sicurezza informatica Milano

-Permessi Ex Legge 104/92

-Assenteismo per malattia

Cell phone call logs

Data Recovery

Deleted emails

Deleted photos

Deleted text messages

Hidden Files

Spousal Infidelity



Il nostro team di esperti dell’agenzia IDFOX Srl,  parla almeno correttamente  5  lingue: inglese, francese, spagnolo, tedesco ed arabo ed è esperto nelle indagini  private, aziendali, assicurative e finanziarie internazionali ed opera sotto la direzione  dalla Dottoressa Margherita Maiellaro.  La direttrice ha maturato un’esperienza pluriennale nel campo investigativo ed assicurativo ha conseguito una Laurea in Giurisprudenza, con specializzazione in diritto internazionale, presso l’Università Bocconi.


L’agenzia investigativa International  Detective Fox ®  “IDFOX Investigazioni “è stata fondata da Max Maiellaro.

L’agenzia investigativa IDFOX ha un’esperienza trentennale e opera in Italia e all’Estero, avendo la possibilità di svolgere indagini in più di 170 nazioni al mondo -dalla Svizzera all’Australia e circa 400 corrispondenti on  line – incluse le ricerche economiche-bancarie  in paradisi fiscali ed Offshore.

Il fondatore, con oltre 30 anni di esperienze investigative maturate nella Polizia di Stato, già diretto collaboratore del Conte Corrado AGUSTA, ex Presidente dell’omonimo Gruppo AGUSTA SpA, è stato inoltre responsabile dei servizi di sicurezza di una multinazionale, nonché presso vari gruppi operanti in svariati settori quale metalmeccanici, chimica, oreficeria, tessile, alta moda, elettronica e grande distribuzione, ha sempre risolto brillantemente ogni problematica investigativa connessa a: infedeltà aziendale, ai beni,  marchi e brevetti, concorrenza sleale e alla difesa intellettuale dei progetti, violazione del patto di non concorrenza, protezione know-how e tutela delle persone e della famiglia, nonché referente abituale di imprenditori, manager, multinazionali e studi Legali su tutto il territorio Italiano ed anche Estero.

Il Team dell’agenzia IDFOX ® è composta da diverse figure professionali. La collaborazione tra i diversi specialisti permette una presa incarico completa che garantisce la possibilità di completare l’incarico nella sua complessità ( tra i nostri collaboratori annoveriamo ex ispettori vigili urbani, ex commissario Polizia di Stato ed ex vicecomandante vigili del fuoco e vari specialisti  ctu ecc.




Contatti, Contacts


Agency IDFOX SRL -p.iva 09741640966

Autorizzazione  134 of the T.U.L.P.S.  n. 9277/12B15E – Area Osp.1

Contattaci al numero telefonico    +3902344223

Sede/uffici:   – via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milano, Italy

Siamo – a 30 metri dalla fermata MM3 Repubblica (uscita via Vittor Pisani) – Tram 9, 29/30   – Tram 1, 5  – a 300 mt dalla Stazione Centrale (MM3-GIALLA) (siamo a 100 mt dall’hotel Principe di Savoia, hotel Gallia ed hotel The Westin Palace Milan-Italy)


Contattaci al numero telef.  +3902344223


Articolo precedente
АГАТА КРИСТИ-ЧАСТНЫЙ СЫКАТЕЛЬ-ЧАСТНОЕ РАССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО в МИЛАНЕ – Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Милан – Тел.02-344223 почта: Агентство расследований IDFOX -с 1991 года –
Articolo successivo
Milan; Private Investigator Detectives Agency IDFOX Agency  Investigatar  Services Since 1991 -is a full-service Private Investigation firm with a team of experienced, professional Private Investigators in Milan Italy, Detective investigator Italy