Prezzo, Tariffe, costi investigatore privato a Milano, IDFOX investigazioni dal 1991, Agenzia Leader nella Tecnologia più avanza. Tel.02344223. Risultati garantiti uso Legale. Una delle domande più frequenti rivolte ad un investigatore privato è: quanto costa al giorno e quali sono le tariffe?

Prezzo, Tariffe, costi investigatore privato a Milano, IDFOX investigazioni dal 1991, Agenzia Leader nella Tecnologia più avanza. Tel.02344223. Risultati garantiti uso Legale. Una delle domande più frequenti rivolte ad un investigatore privato è: quanto costa al giorno e quali sono le tariffe?


Per rispondere a questa domanda occorre chiarire quali sono le varianti che compongono i costi e le tariffe, cosa è compreso nei servizi investigativi e cosa si rischia con investigazioni a prezzi modici, oltre al rischio di commettere reati se si segue o si fa seguire una persona e non si è un investigatore privato 2autrizzato”.

Costi orari e giornalieri degli investigatori privati

La tipologia d’indagine, l’obiettivo ed il tempo per raccogliere sufficienti prove sono tra i fattori che vanno a comporre i costi di un servizio d’indagine a Milano.

Date le molte varianti, non è possibile stabilire un importo a priori, ma è necessario decidere con il cliente le strategie d’indagine per un bilanciamento tra obiettivi da raggiungere e ed il badget  che si è in grado di investire.

A livello di tariffe , per un servizio efficace non si può scendere al di sotto di un minimo di 600 euro.

I detective privati generalmente propongono tariffe giornaliere tra 600 e 1.200 euro , oppure tariffe orarie di circa 45  € all’ora per agente operativo.

Le tariffe dell’Agenzia investigativa IDFOX Investigazioni dal 1991,  sono depositate presso la Prefettura di  Milano.




Il nostro team di esperti dell’agenzia IDFOX Srl,  parla almeno correttamente  5  lingue: inglese, francese, spagnolo, tedesco ed arabo ed è esperto nelle indagini  private, aziendali, assicurative e finanziarie internazionali ed opera sotto la direzione  dalla Dottoressa Margherita Maiellaro.  La direttrice ha maturato un’esperienza pluriennale nel campo investigativo ed assicurativo ha conseguito una Laurea in Giurisprudenza, con specializzazione in diritto internazionale, presso l’Università Bocconi.

L’agenzia investigativa International  Detective Fox ®  “IDFOX Investigazioni “è stata fondata da Max Maiellaro.   

 L’agenzia investigativa IDFOX ha un’esperienza trentennale e opera in Italia e all’Estero, avendo la possibilità di svolgere indagini in più di 170 nazioni al mondo -dalla Svizzera all’Australia e circa 400 corrispondenti on  line – incluse le ricerche economiche-bancarie  in paradisi fiscali ed Offshore.

Il fondatore, con oltre 30 anni di esperienze investigative maturate nella Polizia di Stato, già diretto collaboratore del Conte Corrado AGUSTA, ex Presidente dell’omonimo Gruppo AGUSTA SpA, è stato inoltre responsabile dei servizi di sicurezza di una multinazionale, nonché presso vari gruppi operanti in svariati settori quale metalmeccanici, chimica, oreficeria, tessile, alta moda, elettronica e grande distribuzione, ha sempre risolto brillantemente ogni problematica investigativa connessa a: infedeltà aziendale, ai beni,  marchi e brevetti, concorrenza sleale e alla difesa intellettuale dei progetti, violazione del patto di non concorrenza, protezione know-how e tutela delle persone e della famiglia, nonché referente abituale di imprenditori, manager, multinazionali e studi Legali su tutto il territorio Italiano ed anche Estero.

Il Team dell’agenzia IDFOX ® è composta da diverse figure professionali. La collaborazione tra i diversi specialisti permette una presa incarico completa che garantisce la possibilità di completare l’incarico nella sua complessità ( tra i nostri collaboratori annoveriamo ex ispettori vigili urbani, ex commissario Polizia di Stato ed ex vicecomandante vigili del fuoco e vari specialisti  ctu ecc.




Contatti, Contacts


Agency IDFOX SRL -p.iva 09741640966

Autorizzazione  134 of the T.U.L.P.S.  n. 9277/12B15E – Area Osp.1

Contattaci al numero telefonico    +3902344223

Sede/uffici:   – via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milano, Italy

Siamo – a 30 metri dalla fermata MM3 Repubblica (uscita via Vittor Pisani) – Tram 9, 29/30   – Tram 1, 5  – a 300 mt dalla Stazione Centrale (MM3-GIALLA) (siamo a 100 mt dall’hotel Principe di Savoia, hotel Gallia ed hotel The Westin Palace Milan-Italy)


Contattaci al numero telef.  +3902344223






Private eye Detective Agata Christie Detective Investigation Milan. PRIVATE EYE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN- Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Milan- Tel.02-344223 mail: IDFOX Investigation Agency -Since 1991-   Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Tel.+3902344223

IDFOX – International Detectives Fox , Milan Italy,  private investigator-Italy Private Investigation- Private  Detective in Mian Italy- Private investigator Milan: costs, rates and prices . AGATA CHRISTIE-PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR-PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN. IDFOX Detective agency Since 1991 -has been operating in the field of private investigations in Milan and many other Italian cities for more than 30 years.  AGATA CHRISTIE-PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR-PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN- Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Milan- Tel.02-344223 mail: IDFOX Investigation Agency -Since 1991-   Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Tel.+3902344223 :  IDFOX Since 1991. Private investigator Milan  operating throughout Italy and abroad, guarantees you the experience, confidentiality and reliability essential to obtain the best result at the lowest price, keeping the private investigations you need absolutely secret and all the information collected. You can also contact the detective agency Agenzia Investigativa IDFOX – Since 1991 now to have immediate and without any obligation an investigative consultancy and an exact quote, with details of the costs for civil or criminal investigations, in any area of ??Italy. private investigator for every Italian city. The IDFOX Investigazioni detective agency operates in over 170 countries worldwide and is connected online with approximately 400 detective agencies authorized in the respective countries. Private investigator Milan-IDFOX Investigation Agency -Since 1991 Here are some of the advantages that the detective agency IDFOX Investigation Agency -Since 1991 offers you: * activity authorized since 1991, with a government license from the Prefecture of Milan for carrying out private and corporate investigations, both in the civil and criminal fields. We specialize in the following investigations: control and verification of infidelity, with photographs, videos, legal evidence, testimonies; stakeouts and tailings for every lawful need: the A-Z agency is authorized, by the Decree of the Ministry of the Interior n° 269/2010, to also use the so-called “electronic tailing” with GPS localization system, for private or corporate investigations; electronic tracking of people, cars, motorbikes, scooters and goods; tracing of people and things in Italy and abroad; recovery of SMS deleted from SIM and texts deleted from computer; anonymous identification; infidelity of partners, employees, collaborators; absenteeism and false illnesses; search for contact details and telephone numbers; hereditary research; information on people: family situation, work activity, properties, registered vehicles, telephone numbers; assessment of income, property, debts, solvency; financial assessments, with searches of current accounts and deposits; reference check (before hiring, renting, etc.); information and documentation on (and for) private, professional, commercial and industrial activities; investigations into anonymous phone calls, anonymous letters, harassment, damage; identification of disturbers; verification of abusive wiretaps and clean-up from telephone and environmental wiretaps; investigations and equipment to document mobbing and stalking; control and surveillance of minors: dating, friendships, behavior and telephone contacts; anonymous toxicology tests from fingerprints, hair etc. biological analysis on tissues; DNA testing; search and recovery of stolen goods: precious objects, cars, motorbikes, etc. design, testing and rental of environmental GSM bugs and investigative espionage and counter-espionage devices for legal use: locators, audio-video recorders, spy phones for monitoring minors, etc. collaboration with law firms; search for evidence, testimonies and documentation for civil and criminal proceedings;* 24-hour emergency response positions of trust.  The private investigator, in Italy, is a private citizen in possession of a license for the investigator’s activity. What he does, what he can do and how much it costs, prices and tariffs: Index * 1History * 2Description o 2.1Regulatory discipline o 2.2 The activities * 3Figures o 3.1 Titular Investigator o 3.2 Employee investigator o 3.3 Owner commercial representative o 3.4Employee commercial informant * 4Requirements or 4.1 License o 4.2 Technical organizational project o 4.3 Security deposit obligation o 4.4 Price list * 5 Mandatory obligations required o 5.1 Log of operations o 5.2 Identification card * 6Notes * 7Bibliography * 8Related entries * 9External links The first legislative provisions that in some way interested the investigators were those governing private security institutions, contained in the regulation approved with R.D. 4 June 1914 No. 563. The actual private investigation activity was more specifically regulated starting from 1926 with a specific regulation contained in the Consolidated Law on Public Security Laws (TULPS) issued with Royal Decree (R.D.) 18 June 1931, n. 773 together with the related regulation referred to in the R.D. of 6 May 1940 n. 635. The legislation placed the possession of a specific license issued by the prefect as a fundamental requirement, but did not regulate the figure but deman





Our team of experts from the IDFOX Srl agency speaks at least 5 languages ​​correctly: English, French, Spanish, German and Arabic, is expert in private, corporate, IT, insurance and international financial anti-fraud investigations and operates under the direction of Doctor Margherita Maiellaro . The director has gained many years of experience in the investigative and insurance field and has a degree in Law, with a specialization in international law, from Bocconi University.


The IDFOX Investigation agency – International Organization – Leader in the most advanced technology – has been operating in over 170 countries around the world since 1991 and is connected online with approximately 400 correspondents – authorized in their respective countries.


The International eye Detective Fox ® investigative agency “IDFOX Investigazioni” was founded by Max Maiellaro.

The founder, with over 30 years of investigative experience gained in the State Police, former direct collaborator of Count Corrado AGUSTA, former President of the homonymous AGUSTA SpA Group, was also responsible for the security services of a multinational, as well as for various operating groups in various sectors such as metalworking, chemistry, goldsmithing, textiles, high fashion, electronics and large-scale retail trade, he has always brilliantly resolved every investigative problem connected to: corporate infidelity, goods, trademarks and patents, unfair competition and the intellectual defense of projects, infringement of the non-competition agreement, protection of know-how and protection of individuals and families, as well as the usual contact person for entrepreneurs, managers, multinationals and law firms throughout Italy and abroad.


Contacts, Contacts


Agency IDFOX SRL – VAT number 09741640966

Authorization 134 of the T.U.L.P.S. n. 9277/12B15E – Hospital Area 1

Contact us on the telephone number +3902344223

Headquarters/offices: – via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milan, Italy

We are – 30 meters from the MM3 Repubblica stop (via Vittor Pisani exit) – Tram 9, 29/30 – Tram 1, 5 – 300 meters from the Central Station (MM3-GIALLA) (we are 100 meters from the Principe di Savoia hotel , hotel Gallia and hotel The Westin Palace Milan-Italy)



Private eye  Investigators Detectives Agency (Italy) Venice, Milan, Turin, Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Cagliari. IDFOX international Since 1991, Investigative Agency Investigations in private international. Particular in in the following countries: Switzerland, Spagna,  France, Cote d’azur, Antille, Florida, Miami, Cuba, Giamaica, Mexico, Caribbean, Bahamas, Santo domingo, Costa Rica, Brasile, Colombia, e Panama.

Detective Agent International the first in Italy and leader in making serious and precise investigations IDFOX Investigtion – Since 1991,  especially specializes in international investigations of all kinds, private and corporate, use the territory of professionals and serious preparations.

Investigate the utmost confidentiality and discretion at the lowest possible cost, its reports are always documented by video footage and written reports, translated into italian or english, which have evidential value.


Please note that in addition to being the number one in Italy for investigations and surveys in Gran  Canarias, successfully carries out investigations also on the whole Italian territory and carries out both directly and through its privileged contacts, investigative services worldwide.



Llámanos ahora

+39 02.344.223

Investigations Agency IDFOX SRL –



Sede/oficinas: – via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milán, Italia

Estamos – a 30 metros de la parada MM3 Repubblica (por la salida Vittor Pisani) – Tranvía 9, 29/30 – Tranvía 1, 5 – A 300 metros de la estación central (MM3-AMARILLO) (estamos a 100 metros del Príncipe de Saboya hotel, hotel Gallia y hotel The Westin Palace Milan)



Buscar Detectives privados en Milan a buen precio. IDFOX Investigadores dal 1991. Particulares y empresas. Máxima discreción y confidencialidad.  Contáctanos mail:  Tel.+3902344223. Nuestra Agencia de Investigación IDFOX dal 1991- ofrece excelentes servicios diseñados para proteger y defender los derechos e intereses de sus clientes.

buscar investigador privado



ntizamos la absoluta confidencialidad de nuestras investigaciones en todo momento, utilizando todos los medios a nuestro alcance para proteger su privacidad.


Para que no tenga ningún problema con las autoridades cuando utiliza la información que proporcionamos, tiene nuestra garantía de que cualquier información que le proporcionemos se ha obtenido en pleno cumplimiento de la ley.


 Nuestros servicios se prestan tanto a empresas como a particulares, las 24 horas del día, los 30 días de la semana.

Siempre puede confiar en nosotros, sin importar dónde necesite un investigador privado.Podemos preparar un presupuesto a medida sin costo adicional.

 La satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra principal tarjeta de presentación.



Puede contar con nuestro compromiso total y absoluto. Todas nuestras investigaciones se llevan a cabo con el máximo cuidado y precisión, prestando atención a los detalles y produciendo un informe que es completamente fiel a la realidad.


Buscar investigador privado. Detectives. Nuestros detective privados hablan correctamente en español Podemos proporcionar informes de investigación …


Detectives Privados en Milano – Detective  Detectives Privados en Milano

Agencia de Investigación en Milano  – Nuestra Agencia de Investigación ofrece excelentes servicios diseñados para proteger y defender los derechos e intereses de sus clientes. La alta calidad y la minuciosidad con la que se llevan a cabo las investigaciones que nos permiten obtener rápidamente clara, precisa y motivada a la satisfacción de nuestros client.













Idfox Italy es una agencia internacional de investigadores privados, con sede en Milán, Italy, que ofrece sus servicios en todo el país. Prestamos nuestros servicios a particulares, empresas y profesionales del Derecho con la máxima diligencia y profesionalidad.




IDFOX Desde 1991, Nuestra Agencia de Detectives está autorizada para operar por la Prefectura de Milan Italy – Prot. n.º Gobernador autóctono. n.9277/12B15E.



Nuestra Agencia de Investigación Idfox Since 1991, ofrece excelentes servicios diseñados para proteger y defender los derechos e intereses de sus clientes. La alta calidad y la minuciosidad con la que se llevan a cabo las investigaciones que nos permiten obtener rápidamente clara, precisa y motivada a la satisfacción de nuestros clientes.



Asesoramos, planificamos y llevamos a cabo nuestras investigaciones centrándonos en las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Creamos canales de información directa con nuestros clientes, lo que nos permite mantenerle informado sobre cualquier novedad, evaluando las posibles opciones a seguir y adaptándonos a las circunstancias.



Nuestro estricto código de conducta, basado en la objetividad y la meticulosidad, nos obliga a ser siempre abiertos y honestos con nuestros clientes, asesorándolos siempre de acuerdo a sus intereses.?



¡Contáctenos ahora!

Nuestros servicios de

Investigaciones privadas


* Infidelidad marital

* Investigaciones matrimoniales

* Investigaciones prematrimoniales

* Investigaciones privadas extranjeras

* Investigaciones de activos

* Control de empleados

* Contrainteligencia industrial

* Antisabotaje

* Competencia desleal

* Dossier de personas/bienes

* Búsqueda de personas desaparecidas

* Investigaciones de activos

* Investigaciones privadas corporativas

* Ley de Abuso n. 104/1992

* Acompañamiento

* doble trabajo

* Suposiciones

* Revisión de verificación de soporte

* control infantil

* Investigaciones sobre la custodia de los hijos

* Otros servicios

* Reclamación telefónica

Articolo precedente
Investigazioni  rapporto informativo. Il Rintraccio Eredi è un servizio che consente di identificare gli eredi del de cuius fino al 4° grado. Agenzia Investigativa IDFOX Srl Tel.+3902344223 , mail: Rintraccio Eredi Online – Ricerca tutti gli Eredi del de Cuis I gradi di parentela
Articolo successivo
Private eye Detective Agata Christie Detective Investigation Milan. PRIVATE EYE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN- Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Milan- Tel.02-344223 mail: IDFOX Investigation Agency -Since 1991-   Via Luigi Razza 4 -20124 Tel.+3902344223