How much does a private investigator cost in Milan? Find out the costs, prices, rates and estimates. Request a quote IDFOX Investigations Agency since 1991, Tel. 02344223.

How much does a private investigator cost in Milan? Find out the costs, prices, rates and estimates. Request a quote IDFOX Investigations Agency since 1991, Tel. 02344223.

Insurance fraud investigations, IDFOX Investigations since 1991, unfair competition, counterfeiting, trademark and patent infringement, copyright, IDFOX investigations is the concrete and confidential response to protect your private and professional rights, Call Tel. +3902344223.

Insurance fraud investigations protect the rights and interests of people and companies. Our agency specializing in these services can help you!

Insurance investigations against fraud related to accidents, theft or damage

Art. 642 of the Civil Procedure Code – Provisional enforcement

The law provides that the judge, upon request of the appellant, can order the debtor to pay or deliver without delay.

These investigations are intended to protect the insured, the injured legal entity or even the insurance company in court.

Some investigations have even highlighted that in many cases insurance fraud has been used as a sort of subsidy by those groups.

Business Intelligence

Investigations IDFOX Investigations since 1991, unfair competition, counterfeiting, trademark and patent infringement, author’s right and copyright, IDFOX investigations is the concrete and confidential response to protect your rights, both private and professional, Call Tel. +3902344223.


How much does a private investigator cost in Milan? Discover rates and prices and Estimates. Request a quote from the IDFOX Investigations Agency since 1991, Tel. 02344223.

Generally speaking, the hourly rate applied to a private investigation, per operator, has a minimum cost of €40 plus VAT and expenses excluded.

Hourly and daily costs of private investigators at the tariff level, for an effective service you cannot go below a minimum of 500 euros. Private detectives generally offer daily rates between 500 and

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Private investigator-Italy Private Investigation- Private  Detective in Mian Italy- Private investigator Milan: costs, rates and prices . AGATA CHRISTIE-PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR-PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN.
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AGATA CHRISTIE-PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR-PRIVATE INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN. Private investigator Milan: costs, rates and prices. INVESTIGATION AGENCY in MILAN. IDFOX Detective agency Since 1991