Concorrenza Sleale- Le norme che rilevano il tema della concorrenza sleale sono contenute negli artt. 2598-2061 del Codice Civile. Le investigazioni aziendali per il reato di concorrenza sleale sono finalizzate a provare atti di concorrenza sleale




Concorrenza Sleale- Le norme che rilevano il tema della concorrenza sleale sono contenute negli artt. 2598-2061 del Codice Civile. Le investigazioni aziendali per il reato di concorrenza sleale sono finalizzate a provare atti di concorrenza sleale e ad ottenere prove legalmente utili al fine di far valere un proprio diritto facendo riferimento alla legislazione italiana, e anche in materia di regolamenti comunitari.



Costituiscono atti di concorrenza sleale tutti quei comportamenti non necessariamente illeciti messi in atto da una persona o un’azienda, solitamente concorrente, per acquisire una indebita posizioni di vantaggio nei confronti dei propri competitors.


Le Investigazioni aziendali nell’ambito della Concorrenza Sleale risultano indispensabili per fornire prove documentali valide in giudizio e contribuiscono in modo determinante alla vittoria della causa.

Le investigazioni sulla concorrenza sleale possono includere l’analisi dei dati relativi alle vendite e al marketing dell’azienda, l’acquisizione di testimonianze, l’uso di strumenti di sorveglianza o l’indagine delle attività online dell’azienda e dei suoi concorrenti.

Come difendersi dalla concorrenza sleale???


La Concorrenza sleale si può manifestare in diverse modalità, di seguito alcuni esempi.

-fuga notizie riservate,

-Sviamento” clientela attraverso false informazioni.

-Contatto del cliente da parte di ex dipendente, socio o ex partner,

-Infedeltà professionale del socio o del dipendente.

L’impianto delineato dal codice civile, in particolare, vieta due diverse tipologie: atti di concorrenza sleale tipici (atti di confusione, di denigrazione e di vanteria) e atti di concorrenza sleale atipici. Approfondiamo la concorrenza sleale definita “tipica”:

-atti di denigrazione, che si realizzano attraverso la diffusione di notizie e/o apprezzamenti malevoli relativi ai prodotti ed attività di un’impresa concorrente,  lesione della reputazione professionale,

atti di vanteria, che consistono nell’indebita appropriazione di pregi e qualità relativi ad attività e prodotti altrui.



La categoria “atipica” degli atti di concorrenza sleale comprende “ogni altro mezzo non conforme ai principi della correttezza professionale e idoneo a danneggiare l’altrui azienda”. Di conseguenza, non esiste una classificazione uniforme degli atti atipici di concorrenza sleale, benché nel corso degli anni la giurisprudenza abbia permesso di delinearne taluni tratti essenziali e le condotte più comuni.


Esempi della concorrenza sleale “atipica”:

-concorrenza parassitaria, ossia l’imitazione sistematica, continua e protratta nel tempo, da parte di un imprenditore, delle iniziative di mercato realizzate da un concorrente;

-spionaggio industriale ossia il comportamento dell’imprenditore che, con mezzi illeciti (ad es. la corruzione di un dipendente) si appropri di notizie segrete o riservate riguardanti l’impresa di un concorrente;

-abusi monopolistici come il boicottaggio, realizzato dall’impresa in posizione dominante o da più imprese in accordo fra loro;


storno dei dipendenti attraverso l’offerta di una superiore retribuzione o più convenienti condizioni di lavoro alla migliore manodopera dell’azienda concorrente che si vuole danneggiare;


Tali atti sono esempi di concorrenza sleale e sono repressi e sanzionati anche se compiuti senza dolo o colpa e senza che abbiano arrecato un effettivo danno ai concorrenti: è sufficiente il danno potenziale. Contro questi atti scattano le sanzioni dell’inibitoria alla continuazione degli atti e dell’obbligo di rimozione degli effetti prodotti. In presenza di dolo o colpa e di un danno patrimoniale attuale, si ha diritto al risarcimento da parte del danneggiato.


Un’indagine approfondita a qualsiasi livello dell’organigramma aziendale, in particolare di quei soggetti coinvolti in processi decisionali: soci, manager, consulenti esterni, fornitori, eventuali società collaboratrici o aziende collegate;

-Concorrenza sleale: ex dipendente.

Particolare attenzione dovrà essere posta dall’azienda nelle situazioni di “transizione”.


Flussi di ex dipendenti “qualificati” da un’impresa verso altra concorrente all’ex datore di lavoro, o messa in proprio dell’ex dipendente nel settore dell’ex datore di lavoro operando autonomamente quali “partite IVA” (magari intestate a coniuge o parenti) oppure quali soci (occulti e non) di aziende da essi partecipate e talvolta appositamente costituite.

L’attività di accertamento di IDFOX Investigazioni-dal 1991 – nei casi di concorrenza sleale e infedeltà professionale deve essere intesa come strumento di forte deterrenza e contrasto che impedisca  o almeno complichi tutte le attività che possano danneggiare l’impresa e di riflesso il mercato.


IDFOX Investigation – Tuo Partner Ideale! Richiedi una consulenza riservata!



Costs Price-Unfair competition-Concorenza Sleale Milan-Italiy. In unfair competition, IDFOX -Since 1991- Private investigator collect evidences. Definition and example of unfair competition, legal action and fixing of evidence.


IDFOX Since 1991-  has gained proven experience in carrying out investigations for lawyers and law firms, aimed at finding evidence and information to be used in court.

IDFOX Investigative Agency Milan, for over 30 years has confirmed itself as a leader in Investigations for Individuals and for Companies in Italy and abroad.


IDFOX Investigator  is the Partner for companies and individuals to protect their rights and identify the offenses they have suffered, providing a team of highly qualified professionals for all clients who decide to make use of a private investigator.


Unfair competition is an action when a company is using techniques and commercial practices considered as abusive that will hurt competitors. It is important to be aware that a technique or a practice can be considered unfair even if it is not intentional.

Who has the right to initiate an investigation in a case of unfair competition?


The director of a company can initiate at any time an investigation if he has reasons to believe that his firm has been the victim of unfair competition.



Second a field investigations can be set up: Tailing , surveillance and collection of testimonies. The private detective always investigate using legal means He holds an administrative authorization , which will allow his client to use the evidences collected in front of the competent court of law.  Why hire a private investigator to handle an investigation in an unfair cometition case?


The benefit of hiring a detective in a case of unfair competition is above all to bring enough proof to a judge that will impose fines and criminal convictions . The evidence provided will be establish an unfair competition case or and order request in front of a judge . The private detective’s investigation in some cases may trigger a criminal investigation.


How much does the intervention of a detective costs on an unfair competition case? Each case is different . The rates are fixed according to the time spent and the characteristics of each file.

For your information, we generally propose packages « all included » . If the time spent for a case only takes a few hours , the agency will charge by the hour 70 h. IDFOX  Agency Private investigatorsMilan Italy, Private Investigation Agency Milan.

Unfair competition. We conduct investigations aimed at ascertain behaviours that can configure as acts of unfair competition.  The private investigator, when is called up to investigate a suspected case, first of all works to identify the causes and those behind the events.





IDFOX Agency-An International Investigative Agency in Milan


Unfair competition and infringement of the non-compete clause: we help to protect assets and corporate image through accurate intelligence and operational activities to collect documentary and testimonial evidence to be used in court or out of court, protecting the company from concrete risks, such as acts of denigration, appropriation and, more generally, acts that do not conform to professional correctness.


Company theft or sabotage: we conduct investigations in order to verify the dynamics of the theft or sabotage and to identify those responsible, also in anticipation of a dismissal for just cause. We also offer support and advice in order to provide adequate security measures to reduce the risks arising from events of an intentional nature.


Investigations for the recovery of debt or assessments on the hereditary axis: we carry out asset investigation to ensure the assets of an entity or a company also in order to identify the part of assets to be attacked, such as movable property, real estate, charges or shareholdings, and any claims from third parties.


Conjugal infidelity: it’s allowed to investigate the spouse in order to verify the possible infidelity or, more generally, the violations of marital obligations. Ascertaining and documenting the marital infidelity of one’s partner can be very useful during the separation phase both to request a possible debit from the unfaithful spouse, and for the consequent economic requests.



Investigations into the revision of the maintenance allowance: we carry out investigations in order to collect evidence to prove the real estate of the former spouse. In fact, if the maintenance allowance paid is not adequate in relation to the actual assets situation, it’s possible to rely on an investigative agency to ascertain and document the real economic and income situation, the standard of living and the existence of an activity, including an unofficial one, of the former spouse.Minors control: parents can rely on an investigative agency to monitor their child in order to protect them from dangerous situations such as bad contacts, acts of bullying, alcohol abuse or drugs.


Custody of children: where a parent considers that shared custody may cause harm to the child or that there are serious failures on the part of the other parent, he or she may apply for sole custody and, for this purpose, to a private investigator in order to prove the parental incapacity of the other parent.


Defensive investigation: we conduct important criminal investigation activities providing valuable support to the lawyer to seek and identify evidence in favor of its client. These investigations can also be aimed at reopening a case or they can be carried out in a preventive manner, and this is a very useful tool for people offended by the crime.

* Environmental and telephone reclamation: IDFOX Agency  is the owner of the brand IDFOX Group -Since 1991-   allows to know the threats and the safety criticalities present in the examined places. We carry out environmental and telephone reclamations for the search of interception devices and for the security of information.

Insurance companies hire private investigation agencies on a regular basis. Quiet often private insurance companies will hire a private investigator to clarify the circumstances of a claim or to find out the beneficiaries of unclaimed life insurance contracts.



Insurance Fraud:

In most cases, the private detective intervenes following the conclusions of an expert. The expert verifies the circumstances and assesses the extent of the damage suffered. In the event of anomalies or doubts as to the good faith of the insured, an investigation may be carried out.


Insurance fraud is a criminal offense which implies that a scheme was initially set up by the insured to collect money from the insurer.

In this case, the offense was planned , scheduled and controlled by the insured. There is therefore a fraudulent act to the contract previously signed between the two parties. The private detective will be able to collect relevant evidences and explain how the fraud was carried out.

The evidences will be gathered and compiled in a detailed report that can be used in front of the competent court.



Search for beneficiaries of life insurance contracts:

In addition, since 2016, insurance companies have been required by law to search for the heirs and beneficiaries of unclaimed life insurance contracts.

Our skills in genealogical research will allow us to assist you with great care and professionalism on this type of files. Administrative and field investigations will be conducted in order to locate the legal beneficiaries , whether they are located in Milan-Italy  or abroad.


An investigation is an evidence gathering and assessment process conducted by competition authorities for the purpose of ascertaining whether specific undertakings have infringed competition law. Competition authorities use both proactive and reactive methods to detect possible competition law infringements and subsequently launch an investigation. Evidence gathering powers differ depending on the jurisdiction and the enforcement regime in place, but typically include powers to request information, inspect business premises and conduct interviews. If sufficient evidence is uncovered, an investigation might result in sanctions and/or other remedies being imposed on infringing undertakings.




Idfox agency is currently directed by Dr. Margherita Maiellaro.

The director has many years of experience in the investigative field and holds a law degree, with a specialization in International Law, from Bocconi University.


Idfox is authorized as an Institute of Private Investigation by the Territorial Office of the Government n. 9277/12B15E – Area Osp. 1 Ter and carries out the Defensive Investigations referred to in art. 38 and 222. The detective agency IDFOX Investigazioni was founded by Max Maiellaro. The founder, with over 30 years of investigative experience gained in the State Police, former direct collaborator

Our free consultation  is designed to provide you with the opportunity to tell us your story so we can develop an action plan to accomplish your goals. Our team of Private Investigators in Milan  currently cover investigations in Milan  and the surrounding areas. However, if you need services outside this area, fill out a free consultation   and let us know how we can assist you.


Contatti, Contacts

Investigations Agency IDFOX SRL

Contattaci al numero telefonico    +3902344223


Sede/uffici:   – via Luigi Razza n.4, 20124 – Milano, Italy

Siamo – a 30 metri dalla fermata MM3 Repubblica (uscita via Vittor Pisani) – Tram 9, 29/30   – Tram 1, 5  – a 300 mt dalla Stazione Centrale (MM3-GIALLA) (siamo a 100 mt dall’hotel Principe di Savoia, hotel Gallia ed hotel The Westin Palace Milan)



Contattaci al numero telef.  +3902344223












Articolo precedente
IDFOX – International Detective Fox Milano- Investigatore Privato Milano-Agenzia Investigativa Milano- Costi Prezzi Tariffario -Quanto costa investigatore privato a Milano? Quanto si prende l’investigatore privato?
Articolo successivo
Security Aziendale-Prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro, in base al principio di effettività, assume la posizione di garante colui il quale di fatto si accolla i poteri del datore di lavoro,